Bin it, don't flush it
Every day, the Island's sewers and wastewater treatment works are inundated with items they are not equipped to deal with effectively.
They are designed to treat and deal with human waste and toilet paper only.
Why not download our Bin it don't Flush it and The 3P's posters to display in your home, school or workplace.
Public sewers
If you suspect a problem with the public sewer please contact us on (01624) 687687.
- cigarette butts, dental floss, contact lenses
- they won’t ever break down. Ever. Please place these in your refuse bin for collection.
- tampons, pads, nappies incontinence pads, colostomy bags, Cotton wool/buds, bandages, rags, wet wipes, condoms, paper towels, plasters
- these objects cannot break down, and will block sewers, so need to be disposed of correctly in a bin instead. Did you know that, even if wet wipes say 'flushable' they should never go down the toilet. They might disappear when the toilet is flushed but they can take years to disintegrate and can cause blockages as well as being bad for the environment.
- medicines, syringes, needles and lancets
- never flush these down the toilet or sink. Medicines should be returned to your local pharmacy. GP's can prescribe a sharps bin for disposal of syringes etc. Keep our team safe and avoid killing the natural bugs that play a vital part in sewage treatment.
- unwanted oil, paint, liquids, fuel
- contact your local civic amenity site to find out if they accept these waste products. Disposing of these via the sewers can create a harmful environment for our team to work in and kills the natural bugs that play a vital part in sewage treatment.
- razor blades
- put used blades into a rigid container in a bin.
- fat
- don't pour fat down the drain; when it cools it sets hard and eventually clogs pipes. Flushing hot water down with the fat will not stop this, as the surrounding ground keeps the pipes cool. The fat will build up within the pipe over a period of weeks or months. Eventually the pipe will become totally blocked resulting in sewer flooding. Let the fat cool and solidify in a container and bin it, or hang solidified fat upside down in your garden for birds to feed from.
- food waste
- Scrape your plates of food and fat into the bin before washing up or loading up the dishwasher. Vegetable waste can be composted. If you can't compost vegetable waste wrap it up and bin it.
- garden waste
- garden waste can be taken to your local civic amenity site. Spray excess diluted herbicide on a level area of bare soil or gravel. Don't pour it down the drain. Contact your local civic amenity site for advice on disposal of concentrated chemicals.
- general waste
- If you cannot recycle it, wrap it well if necessary, and dispose of safely in a dustbin.