We carry out regular planned works on our infrastructure which are listed below. Facebook and Twitter are updated with routine and unplanned works so that customers are kept informed.  

If we are carrying out repair or maintenance work in your area, we may require access to your property. For your own safety, always ask for proof of identification, all our staff carry identity cards with their photograph. If you are in any doubt about the validity of a caller claiming to be from Manx Utilities please call (01624) 687687 to check their credentials. 



Electricity planned work
Date Location Time on Time off     Comments
26 July 2024 St Marks/Ballamodha 09:00 16:30     Maintenance
26 July 2024 Viking Hill, Ballakillowie 09:30 16:30     Maintenance
30 July 2024 Bradda Road, Port Erin 09:30 16:00     Maintenance
31 July 2024 St Mary's Road, Port Erin 09:30 16:00     Maintenance
31 July 2024 Lhergy Cripperty 09:00 16:30     Maintenance
31 July 2024 Bradda Road, Port Erin 09:30 16:00     Maintenance
01 August 2024 Bradda Road, Port Erin 09:30 16:00     Maintenance
06 August 2024 Eairy 09:00 16:30     Maintenance
07 August 2024 Abbeylands 09:30 16:00     Maintenance
08 August 2024 Eairy 09:00 13:00     Maintenance
15 August 2024 West Baldwin 09:30 16:00     Maintenance
Water planned work
Date Location Time off Time on     Comments
Start Date Location End Date Comments


Mobile generators are not provided for customers where it is anticipated that they will be off-supply for less than 24 hours. The exceptions are where the supply is noted on our priority care database as critical for life or where the loss of supply at the property would have a disproportionate impact on the local economy; in which cases we will endeavour to provide a mobile generator. Please note this will be at Manx Utilities’ discretion, based on operational availability and practicality of connection.