Drainage development
Where new developments are proposed, the ability to effectively drain the site is very important. It is recommended that you consult with us as early as possible to discuss your development prior to submitting any planning applications.
Find out more about requirements for connecting to or diverting the public sewer around a new development and how to request the adoption, by us, of a new or existing sewer.
New connections to the public sewer network should be made to our standards so that the integrity of the existing network is not compromised by the type or mode of connection.
Sewer connections can be made directly to a public sewer or indirectly to a private sewer / drain that in turn discharges to a public sewer. We will inspect the work on the public sewer at an agreed time to make sure that this is carried out to our standards.
You must not enter or connect to the public sewerage system without our written consent. If you would like to connect your new or existing property to the public sewerage system please complete the application for connection to a public sewer (sections 1 and 2). Please provide all the details, otherwise we will be unable to process your application and the form may be returned to you.
Guidance notes are available and you can contact us on (01624) 687687 for further information.
Any connection to a public sewer (directly or indirectly) is subject to a communication charge (duty); this duty is currently set at £1,500.
If you are planning a new development you should contact us as early as possible in order to confirm whether any part of the public sewerage system will be affected by your proposals. It is important that you contact us at an early stage if you suspect that a sewer could be present. This will enable us to agree with you the necessary steps to avoid problems in the future. If a public sewer is identified within your land, a diversion may be required.
No diversion can be carried out on a public sewer without our written agreement. Please complete the application for the diversion of public sewers. The applicant will also be required to enter into a section 8 adoption agreement as defined under section 8 of the Sewerage Act 1999.
Guidance notes are also available and you can contact us on (01624) 687687 for further information.
It is possible for us to adopt existing sewers under section 7 of the Sewerage Act 1999. Before deciding whether adoption should take place we will consider where and how the sewer is constructed, the number of buildings which the sewer(s) serves, any future development it may serve and whether the owners of any building(s) the sewer serves objects to the proposed adoption.
Once we adopt these as public sewers, we will maintain them at our expense. However, all costs prior to adoption are at your own expense.
If you wish for us to adopt an existing sewer please complete the request for public sewerage adoption after completion of development.
Guidance notes are available and if you require any further assistance with section 7 adoptions please contact us on (01624) 687687.