Published On: Wednesday 28 August 2024 09:47

Manx Utilities is to commence work on a £500k project in the South of the Island to replace four kilometres of water main from Ballaglonney Farm, Grenaby (Kerrowkeil) Road to Ballaquinney Farm.  The project is estimated to take 30 weeks to complete and is a priority replacement, due to the existing asset’s frequent burst rate and the fact that it is now at the end of its life.  The main was originally laid in 1967 and supports the delivery of mains water to 3,810 customers.

An investment of over £3.5 million has been made over the last five years to address replacement of old water mains in the South of the Island, with approximately 20 kilometres of new main installed.  This main will be the final priority replacement required for the area at the present time and will help to provide a robust supply to the South for many years to come.  This programme of mains replacement will also mean that much less treated water is lost through repeated bursts, thus helping to safeguard our precious water supplies.

The main will be laid from Ballaglonney Farm, along Ronague Road, turning into the entrance of the field above Grenaby Farm. The main will cross land farmed by Ballatrollag, Ballacricket, Ballagilbert, Ballaquinney and Ballaglonney (Ronague). The final connection of the main will be made at Ballaglonney Farm, Ronague.

With the support of local landowners, the installation route will primarily be in fields but could however occasionally affect roads as the work progresses.  A road closure will apply to Ronague Road due to the width and depth of excavation required although residents will have access to properties at all times.

Manx Utilities is appreciative of residents and businesses for their cooperation whilst this work is undertaken.