We are undertaking a programme of refurbishment of existing sewage treatment works and
Ballagarey in Marown has been identified as an existing asset that required updating to meet modern
day standards. Following a design and procurement process, Island Drainage & Groundworks have
been appointed as the main and Principal Contractor to deliver the new works and commenced work on
the 11 September 2017.
The planned work consists of replacing the current sewage treatment works with the installation of two
new Integral Rotating Biological Contactor Plants (IRBC’s) on the existing site.
Currently the combined level of treatment by the existing sewage treatment works isn’t commensurate
with modern standards. Two new IRBC’s will provide an up-to-date process and the treated effluent
that will be discharged will conform to modern day standards as determined by the Environmental
Protection Unit (EPU) of Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture.
Aesthetically the new plants are more pleasing on the eye, and as a covered process offer very little
risk of odour emissions. They are low energy, low maintenance processes with noise levels well
below acceptable threshold requirements and will appear all but silent to local residents.
Chairman Alex Allinson MHK said, “Unfortunately this work has necessitated the need to close the
trail between Glen Darragh Road towards Union Mills up to the private access way to Glenlough
Campsite to ensure the safety of both our contractors and the public. We are conscious that the
main trail is utilised by a number of people as a commuting route from Peel to Douglas and for
recreational purposes. These works will mean that this section of the trail will need to be avoided
at our works site and thus the main road from Douglas to Peel is the only option to bypass the
site. The Project team have explored the possibility of creating a safe temporary diversion of the
trail utilising land in private ownership, however this was unfortunately not an available option.
This situation is unavoidable, however, we did delay commencement of works to assist with an
event taking place on 10 September and will also be working with the Department of
Infrastructure to maintain access during the busy TT2018 period. I am pleased to say that once
these works have been completed the plant will provide modern day sewage treatment for the
area with the site and trail being reinstated to a higher standard than before.”
The works will last for 42 weeks whilst the team maintains the existing infrastructure and
undertakes the construction followed thereafter by the commissioning of the works.
Areas affected:
Dr Alex Allinson MHK, Manx Utilities Chairman at the site: