Onshore Wind - FAQ's
The Isle of Man has one of the best onshore wind resources in Europe both in terms of availability and wind speed.
In January 2023, the Council of Ministers supported Manx Utilities’ proposals to progress actions to deliver onshore renewable generation via onshore wind. These objectives are also outlined in the Isle of Man Government Island Plan, Energy Strategy, and support the requirements of the Climate Plan 2022-2027.
Why is there a need to produce renewable electricity on the Isle of Man?
What has Manx Utilities done to date?
Will a windfarm make electricity cheaper?
Will there be an impact on electricity supply?
How much electricity will the windfarm produce?
How much will the windfarm cost?
How will the windfarm be funded?
What happens when it's not windy?
Has offshore wind been discounted?
Is storage required to support the onshore windfarm?
What is the total size of the windfarm?
What is the visual impact of a windfarm?
Will the wind turbines have lights?
Are there any mitigations required to limit the impact on air traffic?
Why are wind turbines coloured white?
How have the images used to represent the visual impact of the turbines been produced?
How do we ensure there are no impacts from noise on neighbouring properties?
What ecological surveys have been undertaken?
Will the development impact biodiversity?
Is there a potential for the wind turbines to harm birds?
Will the windfarm be developed on heathland?
Is Earystane being developed on peatland?
How will equipment be disposed of at its end of life?
Will emissions be produced during the manufacturing and construction process?
How does the proposed development consider safe distance for residents?
Are they safe in stormy weather?
Will the development increase flood risk in the local area?