

What's involved

1. Screening


Deciding if an EIA is required

2. Scoping


Deciding what needs to be covered in the assessment and reported in the 'EIA Report'

3. Preparing the EIA Report


The EIA report has to include all of the likely significant environmental effects of the development and detail how these will be mitigated in the design. 

To support the EIA process, we will be carrying out stakeholder engagement which can help to inform the design process.

4. Making an application and consultation


The EIA Report and planning application will be publicised (including electronic advertisement) and will be published on the Manx Utilities Transition Programme website.

 Interested parties and the public will be given an opportunity to give their views on it.

5. Decision making


The EIA Report and any comments made on it must be taken into account during planning review before a decision is made on whether to give consent for the windfarm. 

The decision notice has to be published

6. Post decision


Manx Utilities will then start any additional monitoring required by planning.