Wind turbines do produce noise but modern design has significantly reduced mechanical noise so most of the noise is wind noise across the blades. The sound they make can be described as a cyclic whooshing or swishing sound. In most cases, it is possible to carry on a conversation at the base of a wind turbine without having to raise your voice. Noise can vary depending on the background noise, geography of the site, including structures and vegetation, and the speed and direction of the wind.

Based on initial noise studies, the wind turbines at the site will be located at least 500m away from the closest buildings to minimise the impact.

A noise and vibration assessment will be included as part of the Environmental Statement. As Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) work progresses, the consultants will also consider how any impact from noise can be mitigated by both the wind turbine design and the site design.

During very high winds, the level of background noise is also very high and it is not likely that the noise from a wind turbine would be discernible during these times.