Images are a powerful way of conveying information, illustrating options and capturing our imagination. They also form an important part of planning applications and Environmental Statements.

The Landscape Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) is an integral part of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) planning process, and to ensure that the representations are robust and accurate, the below technical methodology is followed:

  • Visualisation Type.
  • Projection Planar or Cylindrical.
  • Enlargement factor for intended sheet size.
  • Date and Time of captured photography.
  • Make and model of camera, and its sensor format.
  • Make, focal length of the camera lens(es) used.
  • Horizontal Field of View (HFoV) of photograph / visual.
  • Direction of View: bearing from North (0°) or Compass Direction.
  • Camera location grid coordinates: eastings & northings to relevant accuracy.
  • Distance to the nearest site boundary, or key development feature.
  • Height of the camera lens above ground level.
  • Panorama Sheet viewing distance.

The Isle of Man adopts current practice from England and Wales and subsequently the guidance used for visual representation is taken from Landscape Institute Technical Guidance, and Scottish Natural Heritage.

Any images which have not been through this process should not be regarded as accurate.

By following the guidance, we can avoid misrepresentation for the visual impacts of the windfarm.

All images used in our consultation and on our website have been produced as per best practice and are accurate representations of the design options available for the site. The final design may be slightly modified as we capture feedback from our consultation and we will share this with the public as soon as designs are finalised.