Transport studies have identified that delivering wind turbine components via the Port of Douglas will be the most cost effective option as well as having the lowest environmental impact. Blades of up to 76m can be delivered through the port and this defines the maximum size of turbines which can be accommodated at the site.

The turbine blades will be transported via a turbine blade lifter to minimise impact on trees along the route and avoid infrastructure changes. The blade lifter has the function of being able to raise the blade up to 60 degrees to over sail any hard constraints along the route.

Large wind turbine components such as blades and nacelles will be stored in Douglas until they are ready to be delivered to site, minimising the time the blade lifters will be required to be on Island.

The remaining turbine components are likely to be delivered via conventional transport methods, utilising multi axle vehicles to distribute single point loading.

Blades will be delivered to the site out of normal working hours under escort to minimise traffic disruption.

Manx Utilities will be working with other utility providers to address any interactions with other services.

The transport route to the site is shown below. This route utilises the bypass route at Ballasalla to avoid the narrow roads through the centre of the village.