Will the development increase flood risk in the local area?
It is a requirement that any windfarm project fully manages and mitigates all hydrology impacts (i.e. flood risk, or contamination from surface run-off) and therefore there must be no increase in flood risk in the area as part of the development. Flood protection and mitigation is therefore a key part of our design process and flood management strategies will be incorporated into the development should planning approval be obtained.
While there may still be the ability to retain a band of trees on the periphery of the plantation, our planning application will assume a worst-case scenario and we must ensure we mitigate the worst design impact as part of our EIA. The intent would then be to actively manage the restoration of natural native species and native heathland habitat as part of development; with a view to increasing biodiversity of the area.
The restored heath could then actively participate in the reduction of surface run-off from the plantation area as would have been the case prior to the trees being planted. However, to further mitigate flood risk arising from surface run-off we are also considering the option of developing ‘attenuation ponds’ (Kent Drainage - Attenuation Ponds) within the plantation which can also provide habitat for local aquatic wildlife such as frogs and newts. The full detail of mitigation options will be provided within the Environmental Statement which is completed at the end of the EIA process, as well as in our final design.