The Isle of Man Strategic Plan 2016 states that we must carry out Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) for onshore wind and that we must also adhere to the Regulations outlined in the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 (England and Wales). An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) survey is being carried out at the Earystane site over a two-year period, alongside more detailed technical studies at the location.

We will continue our commitment to protect the environment throughout the development of the site should planning approval be obtained. An Environmental Management Plan will be in place during the construction, operational and decommissioning phases of the proposed development.

The Environmental Management Plan (EMP) will include all good practice construction measures, pollution prevention controls, biosecurity, and monitoring to be implemented over the course of the proposed development, in line with current guidance.

An Ecological Clerk of Works (ECOW) will also supervise works during the construction and decommissioning phase to ensure the agreed ecological mitigation and management measures are implemented.