We have commenced full Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to identify how to mitigate the potential impact of wind turbines on the local community and environment in Earystane and surrounding areas as well as carrying out the design work for the windfarm. This work typically takes at least 18 months to allow for two seasons of bird and bat migrations.

We will be consulting with the local and wider Isle of Man community on the development throughout the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) phase. On completion of our Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), we will submit our formal planning application in early 2025.

Further 12 month ecological studies have been requested as part of the scoping response, which will run alongside the planning application to support the final design. These surveys have already started and we will aim to conclude all survey work by October 2025.

Providing planning approval and funding is obtained, we will install our wind turbines and start to generate clean renewable electricity, with a target commissioning date of autumn 2026.

The roadmap shows the necessary actions to deliver the onshore windfarm by the 2026 target set by Tynwald in the Climate Plan 2022–2027 as well as meeting the target within the Island Plan.