The Isle of Man Strategic Plan, 2016, requires any onshore windfarm site taken to the planning stage to have a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), which must follow the guidance provided by the Town and Country Planning Act Environmental Impact Assessment England and Wales, 2017. Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) take a minimum of 18 months – two years. This allows enough time for us to understand local factors such as bird and bat migration patterns, noise, changes to the landscape, visual impact, cultural heritage, local archaeology, social impacts and how turbines can be transported to the site.

Considering all of these areas allow us to ensure that, not only is the most suitable site selected, but that we also try to mitigate any adverse impacts as we design the turbines. Following a period of consultation with the local and wider Island community, a Planning Application will be submitted. Manx Utilities is following the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture’s (DEFA) Major Planning Process for this project.