Security of supply on Island is a core duty of Manx Utilities and it is our job to ensure the power system remains stable. The stability of our power system is primarily controlled by the High Voltage Alternating Current (HVAC) interconnector between Great Britain and the Isle of Man. When the interconnector is not in service, our existing gas fired power station, as well as the diesel engines, can also provide this stabilising function. In the future, our clean, on-demand generators will also be able to maintain stability of the power system in ‘Island mode’.

Detailed network stability studies into the impact of intermittent renewables, such as onshore wind, have been completed by engineering consultant, WSP. These studies look at both the stability of the whole Island power system as well as the localised impacts on our 33kV transmission network.

When the interconnector is available, onshore wind at the scale proposed for Earystane can be comfortably accommodated at our location in all scenarios. When the interconnector is not available (currently less than 5% of the year) the output of the onshore wind turbines will be shutdown to maintain the stability of our network. This will be a design feature of the windfarm.