We have a centralised purchasing department that provides purchasing, stores and vehicle fleet management services to the other departments within our organisation.

The centralised purchasing section enables us to obtain the best possible value for money when purchasing goods and services and ensures compliance with the Financial Regulations.

Our suppliers are important to us and we endeavour to pay our suppliers within 30 days of submission of a valid invoice quoting a relevant purchase order number.

All purchase orders shall be placed in advance and are subject to our standard terms of business unless otherwise agreed. Please visit the various menus within this Procurement page for a link to  standard terms and conditions, tendering opportunities and to learn about our vendor qualification process.

We use various standards of terms and conditions of contract depending on the products, goods or services that are being purchased.

Our standard general conditions for Purchase Orders (where no other Agreement exists) can be seen below.

For Purchase Orders issued prior to 23 March 2020:

General Conditions of Order – Goods 

General Conditions of Order – Services 

 For Purchase Orders issued on or after 23 March 2020:

Standard Purchase Order Terms and Conditions

Privacy Notice

MUA Procurement Privacy Notice


We recognise the importance of good levels of quality, environmental control and health and safety which help us provide an effective and efficient service to our customers.

Our policies and procedures reflect  these. The ability of our vendors and contractors to achieve similar levels of control has a direct bearing upon the effectiveness of our business.

The Purchasing and Stores Department has a vendor qualification process in place for all contractors and some of our strategic suppliers.

Vendor Assessment Questionnaire is issued to all new contractors. This paperwork needs to be successfully completed prior to the placement of any purchase orders. Once the contractor has successfully applied they will be required to submit a copy of their latest financial accounts, up to date insurance certificates and an update of any changes since their earlier application.

Copy accounts, insurance certificates or changes can be submitted to us at MUPurchasing@manxutilities.im.

All construction contractors need to be accredited by Construction Isle of Man, they can be contacted at: www.constructioniom.im


 Please download the Vendor Assessment Questionnaire for contractors.

The Purchasing and Stores Department can be contacted by email at: MUPurchasing@manxutilities.im

Stores can be contacted by email at:

Ballacottier:  ballacottierstores.mu@manxutilities.im
Cooil Smithy: mustorescooillsmithy@manxutilities.im
Pulrose: storesgeneration.mu@manxutilities.im

Write to us:


Procurement Manager
Manx Utilities  
PO Box 177 
Isle of Man
IM99 1PS

Courier Deliveries

Procurement Manager
Manx Utilities
Isle of Man Business Park
Cooil Road
Isle of Man

Accounts Payable

Manx Utilities
PO Box 177
Isle of Man 
IM99 1PS

The Purchasing Department invites expressions of interests from all interested parties wishing to register for the following tender enquiries:


Tender Name Closing Date
For the Supply of Management Training Services noon Wednesday 9th April 2025




The Purchasing Department invites expressions of interests from all interested parties wishing to register for the following Quick Quotes:

Quick Quote Closing Date
12 noon on Tuesday 1 April 2025


The Purchasing Department invites expressions of interests from all interested parties wishing to register for the following Prior Information Notice:

Prior Information Notice (PIN) Closing Date


Name of Framework List Department Expiry Date Status Notes
Consulting Engineer Support Services All 29th November 2020 Closed This Select List opens on an annual basis. Open - August 2019;
Excavation Services Network Services 9th June 2024 Closed This Select List will open in June 2021 and annually thereafter;
Fuel Energy Trading

June 2029

Closed This List will open in March 2024 then close for a further 5 years;
Substation Maintenance Network Services

15th December 2023

Open This Select List is open at all times.
Protection Relays Network Services

5th April 2027

Open  This Select List will open in May 2022 then close for a five year period

Contact 687767 or email procurement@manxutilities.im